Monday 11 February 2013

This is all a bit backwards?

Yes, yes it is.

Admittedly, that's hardly a question. Nor is it really something relevant to therapy or break downs.

But it is true, is it not?

A written blog?

I suppose I had best justify writing this, before you all abandon hope for me, as I have done so many times in the past.

I want to answer questions that for years I have been too afraid to confront. Remember "Truth hurts"? Well, I'm a total wimp in that aspect, so I'd rather hide.

I also want to confess some things. Secrets I've kept from certain people.

I want to assert a new standard of truth, in a lifestyle where I can keep everybody on the same page. There are several awful incidents which people may be aware of, the nature of their understanding these incidents depends on which version of events I told them at the time.

This makes me a liar, and before I allow lying to become any worse of a habit, I will admit all.

Thus the nature of this blog; each post will be formed of a question. And its contents shall be my truest and best attempt at answering these questions.

Why on earth do you expect me to read that?

Well, italic 3rd person questioning device I've so smoothly implemented (Right guys?) I don't expect anybody to read anything I write... It must be said that I'm doing it for me, and for the benefit of bettering myself, and the understanding of my place in this life.

Of course, you are more than welcome to join me for the journey. It will be intimitate, I am not holding anything back, so I can assure you there will be dark moments, painful moments, awkward moments, and thankfully, my life's good fortune permits that there shall also be happy moments.

But you may relive them all with me. I ask nothing of you, except that, should I ever move you in any way, positively or otherwise. Please inform me, so I know to continue or cease whatever it is that moved you.

So, all in all, I offer you a diary of sorts, but with plenty of thoughtful consideration, evaluation and eventual forgiveness for the past.
I hope to offer you something that is well written, and never too depressing, too boring, or too damn obnoxious.

Whether you are with me or not, this is where my journey starts.
See you in  the next one!